Juvenile Crime

Juvenile Criminal Defense Lawyers in Fort Worth

Being charged with a crime is a serious situation for anyone to be in, with consequences that could last a lifetime if a good lawyer isn’t at your side. That risk is even higher with minors, defined in Texas criminal law as someone at least 10 years old, and no older than 17. While juvenile crimes will carry lesser sentences than those of an adult, the long-term impact on a young person’s life can be extremely serious.

A Fort Worth juvenile crime lawyer at the side of you or your child could make all the difference for the future. Call the Law Office Of Mark M. Childress at (817) 497-8148 or contact us online today.

Types of Juvenile Crimes

Juvenile crime covers a lot of ground in Texas law. It can include kids who are chronically absent from school. Or, if they are at school, perhaps there’s other violations. That includes loitering and mischief, which can happen in most any public area. Littering is a common juvenile crime.

It’s not uncommon for kids to seek out fake identification cards to buy alcohol or cigarettes. They may find themselves in trouble for disturbing the peace or for disorderly conduct. Using a car unauthorized and unlicensed can land a minor in legal hot water.

You might read these crimes and others like them and think that the minor in question certainly isn’t the first to try a lot of things. That’s true–but they are still crimes. The young person that gets caught faces serious consequences and needs help.

Furthermore, juvenile crime isn’t confined to areas that a lot of adults might identify with. Kids between the age of 10 and 17 have gotten into trouble for burglary–including with a weapon. They have been caught attempting fraud, assault and battery and even murder. Suffice it to say, a lawyer needs to be summoned in these cases.

All juvenile crimes are classified one of two ways. The first ones we listed are considered conduct in need of supervision. These cover all crimes that are fine-only misdemeanor offenses. The second category of more serious crimes are termed delinquent conduct when the charged person is between the ages of 10 and 17. Delinquent conduct is anything that can be punished with jail time.

The Juvenile Criminal Process

Once the minor is arrested they must be delivered quickly to a processing office, where parents or legal guardian are promptly notified. How quickly does this have to happen? The state of Texas defines it as without unnecessary delay. The speed of the process continues with a requirement that the minor face a detention hearing within 48 hours or–if the arrest takes place on Friday or Saturday–on the first business day the court system is open again (Monday, except in three-day weekend situations).

The juvenile courts are obligated to make a reasonable effort to notify the parents or guardian of when the detention hearing will take place. If they cannot be located, the court must appoint an attorney for the minor.

Bail does not exist in juvenile court, but the rules are set to make their release after the hearing a likely possibility. The only ways the minor can be detained until their official court date is if they are considered a flight risk, lack any parents or guardian, or are considered a real danger to themselves or the community. A previous conviction in juvenile court will work against the minor.

A Juvenile Court Trial

A prosecutor will likely present their charges in front of a grand jury. The grand jury is most commonly known for its use in high-profile cases involving adults, with a purpose being to help prosecutors determine if the obtained evidence will sway the actual jury at trial. In a Texas juvenile case, if the prosecutor does not secure approval from the grand jury, the case will not go forward.

Depending on the gravity of the crime, the prosecutor may seek to have the juvenile tried as an adult. For this to happen, the minor must be at least 14 years old. This is a drastic step typically reserved for murder cases or particularly serious drug offenses.

Once criminal charges are formally filed, a court specifically designated to hear juvenile cases is where the trial will take place. It will be the job of the juvenile’s attorney to conduct a truly rigorous defense of their client. This means examining all evidence, including questioning the police on how the evidence was obtained. Police officers are required to have probable cause for conducting any kind of search.

For example, let’s say police found illegal drugs on a minor. That evidence might still be inadmissible–unable to be presented to the jury–if the police did not have probable cause to conduct the search to begin with. A lawyer with experience understands the need to challenge the prosecution’s evidence every step of the way.

At the Law Office Of Mark M. Childress, we believe in the justice system. That includes believing in the justice system’s expressed goal of seeing the rehabilitation of youth as a priority over and above jail sentences. If you have a minor that has gotten themselves into trouble and needs legal counsel to help work through it, please call us at (817) 497-8148. You can also reach out online. We’ll set up an initial consultation where you can tell us what happened and will tell you how we can help.

Frequently Asked Questions About Juvenile Crimes

  • What qualifies as a juvenile crime in Texas?

    A juvenile crime refers to any criminal act committed by a person between the ages of 10 and 16. Once a person turns 17, they are treated as an adult in the criminal justice system.

  • Can a juvenile be tried as an adult in Texas?

    Yes, in certain serious cases such as murder, aggravated assault, or robbery, a juvenile as young as 14 can be certified to stand trial as an adult if the court deems it appropriate.

  • What are the most common juvenile crimes in Texas?

    Common offenses include theft, vandalism, drug possession, underage drinking, assault, truancy, and shoplifting. More serious crimes, like gang-related activities, can also occur.

  • How are juvenile crimes punished in Texas?

    Punishments can range from probation, community service, and counseling to more severe consequences like juvenile detention, depending on the crime and the juvenile’s prior record.

  • What happens if my child is arrested for a juvenile offense?

    If a juvenile is arrested, they will typically be taken to a juvenile detention facility. A detention hearing must occur within 48 hours to determine if the juvenile should be released or held further.

  • Does my child need a lawyer for a juvenile crime?

    Yes, it is important to hire a criminal defense attorney with experience in juvenile cases to protect your child's rights and navigate the complexities of the juvenile justice system.

  • Can a juvenile record be sealed or expunged in Texas?

    Yes, most juvenile records in Texas are automatically sealed once the individual turns 19, assuming they have not committed additional offenses. In some cases, records can also be expunged, meaning they are erased.

  • Can a juvenile be placed on probation?

    Yes, juveniles can be placed on probation as part of their sentence. Probation terms may include attending school, participating in counseling, performing community service, and adhering to curfew restrictions.

  • Can my child’s school be notified about their arrest?

    Yes, if a juvenile is charged with certain crimes, particularly felonies or drug offenses, schools may be notified, and the child could face disciplinary actions like suspension or expulsion.

  • What is a juvenile detention hearing, and what happens there?

    A detention hearing determines whether a juvenile should be released to their parents or held in a juvenile detention center while their case is pending. It is held within 48 hours of arrest.

  • Can parents be held responsible for their child’s criminal actions?

    In some cases, parents may be held financially responsible for property damage or other consequences resulting from their child’s actions, such as paying fines or restitution.

  • What is deferred prosecution in juvenile cases?

    Deferred prosecution is an alternative to formal prosecution where the juvenile agrees to fulfill certain conditions (e.g., counseling, community service) in exchange for having the charges dismissed.

  • How long can a juvenile be held in detention?

    Juveniles can be held in a detention facility until their court hearing, but they cannot be held indefinitely. The length of detention varies depending on the severity of the crime and the progression of the court case.

  • Can a juvenile be sent to prison in Texas?

    Juveniles are typically not sent to adult prisons. However, for severe crimes, they can be placed in Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) facilities, and in rare cases, transferred to adult prison after turning 19.

  • Will a juvenile conviction affect my child’s future opportunities?

    While juvenile records are often sealed, some convictions may impact future opportunities like education, employment, or military service. Seeking to seal or expunge records can help mitigate this.

The Opinions That Matter Most

  • My questions were heard and answered without having to ask twice.

    “Value a capable team with experienced staff. For the past 9 months, the folks at the Law Offices of Mark Childress handled my case with class and empathy. My questions were heard and answered without having to ask twice. I felt like I was kept in the loop and always briefed properly. As I move forward with other ventures I wouldn't be surprised if we crossed paths again. And hats off to Konner, THANK YOU!”

  • Mark was there to answer every question, every phone call and did it in a way that I felt as if I were his only client.

    “I needed an attorney who would stand up for me and my child during a very hard time. Mark was there to answer every question, every phone call and did it in a way that I felt as if I were his only client. He was very knowledgeable not only about the law but about the opposing attorney and the judge. He prepared me well and we won our case. I would recommend Mark Childress to anyone who is fighting for custody or in need of child support.”

  • I highly recommend him and his staff. They are courteous, prompt and they care.

    “I called in inquiring about a divorce and how it all happens. I had 2 people call me back within an hour and in an hour maybe 2 I was talking with the lawyer. I highly recommend him and his staff. They are courteous, prompt and they care. Divorce is the hardest thing we will go through minus losing a kid and his team will be retained. He even called me back himself the next day to see how I was. Great service.”

  • This guy is amazing. In a matter of minutes, he accomplished what no other attorney could in 6 years.

    “This guy is amazing. In a matter of minutes, he accomplished what no other attorney could in 6 years. He had my case figured out in 1short conversation and had what he called "a convoluted mess" fixed. I'm pretty sure my ex felt like he'd been hit by a bus. My family is finally in tact and everyone is finally happy.”

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