Why People Make False Statements of Domestic Violence

Claims That Ruin Lives

Divorce is an incredibly difficult process, and it can often lead to heated arguments and disputes. In some cases, one spouse may make false statements claiming domestic violence against the other in an attempt to gain the upper hand in the divorce proceedings. This can be very damaging to the accused individual's reputation and can have a lasting impact on their life. In this blog, learn the reasons why people make false accusations of domestic violence and what you can do if you are falsely accused.


Revenge is a common motivator for false domestic violence accusations. In the heat of an argument, one spouse may make a false accusation in order to gain the upper hand or punish the other. This is especially common when there is a history of verbal or physical abuse in the relationship.

Emotional Blackmail

Another reason people make false accusations is that they are under duress from their spouse or partner. They may be threatened with violence or told that they will never see their children again if they don't lie about the abuse. This is a form of emotional blackmail that can be very effective in getting someone to say what their abuser wants them to say.

Misinterpreting Events

Lastly, some people make false accusations simply because they are confused about what happened during an altercation. They may not have witnessed the entire event, or they may have been drinking or using drugs at the time and their memory is fuzzy. In these cases, it's important to get a clear picture of what happened from as many witnesses as possible.

Clear Your Name With an Attorney's Help

If you have been falsely accused of domestic violence, it is important to speak to a lawyer as soon as possible. You may be facing serious consequences, including jail time and a loss of custody of your children. An experienced criminal defense attorney can help you navigate the legal system and protect your rights.

At Law Office of Mark M. Childress, we work hard to clear the names of our clients who have been falsely accused of domestic violence. Learn how we can help or schedule a consultation by calling (817) 497-8148 or by visiting our website.

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